Oc’s challenge + creator

Oc's challenge + créateur 

Voici donc enfin mon dessins terminé pour le challenge Oc's cette fois toutes mes Oc's son mise en couleur 
Je suit content edu résultats cela m'a pris un peu de temps pour le terminer et le mettre en couleur car j'avais d'autres dessins a faire aussi entre temps mais la s'ayais je l'est enfin finie  
Dessins vous avez mes Oc's préférés que j'aime et que j'adore ma Oc's préférés c'est my oc Marina my oc principal de mon game de mon RP de mes histoires que j'aime faire donc voilà 
Par contre je me suit tromper sur la couleur de cheveux de my Mizuno alias Audrey 💛 
Elle est blonde et je lui est fait noir du coup je lui est fait les cheveux noir devant et blond derrière mais a la base elle est blonde 
Mais pas grave 

Oc’s challenge + creator

Here is finally my drawings finished for the challenge Oc’s this time all my Oc’s its coloring
I follow content edu results it took me a little time to finish it and put it in color because I had other drawings to make also in the meantime but the ayawas I finally finished
Drawings you have my favorite Oc’s that I love and that I love my favorite Oc’s is my oc Marina my oc main of my RP game of my stories that I like to do so here
On the other hand
I follow myself wrong on the hair color of my Mizuno aka Audrey 💛
She is blonde and I made her black so I made her black hair in front and blond behind but basically she is blonde
But not serious

These characters are mine and were created by me in 2005 to today 2024 I follow the owner of these characters who I say well because they are real drawn in my images of me and my personality mine so thank you very much for not touching them, they are under my copyright to me Prunella-Marina alias Marina Piseddu

The oc character Marina belongs to me and was created by me since 2005 to today in this year 2024 so the oc character of Marina belongs to me because I follow my own oc character in my RPS so there you go


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quand ont me contacte pour un gros projet ^^